This week, I'd like to introduce you to Talia Ellzey, single mom and owner of the very unique LiaZey shop. Talia, originally from Chicago, has lived in Nashville for almost two years with her "...almost eight year old, intelligent, and gifted son" (who helps out by giving her helpful tips and unique ideas).
She says she was always been creative and the most daring of her siblings. "My imagination is fun and wild. To say I'm a free spirit is an under-statement! I'm drawn to color and unique things. I even purposefully wear yellow when it rains just so I can bring my own Sunshine wherever I go! I love life and understand everything has a purpose and does the people in it."
I asked Talia what her art was, and she said, "What don't I do?" Talia says she loves to sew and create. Though she does many things, her focus is on up-cycling and repurposing glassware for unique home decor. She said, "I take ordinary glass vases and turn them into permanent statements in everyone's home. My food for thought is, what do you do with the vase once the flowers are gone? The immediate answer I received was, nothing! Really? EXACTLY!!! Just put it away until you get new flowers! With my vase designs you get that admiration of vases with or without the flowers. I also twine wine bottles and tables. My simple material is twine. Twine gives a natural look, but add a cute ribbon and beads and get awesomeness!" (Can you tell Talia loves her craft?)
Talia says that God was the inspiration for this idea. "I never imagined something like this. I've always been creative but never in this way. After a very difficult circumstance in my life in February of 2014, God led me to begin designing vases with twine. It became a soothing meditation to ease my mind and relax from things I couldn't control. With each design it was like God said, 'Go play and be a kid! I've got your problems!' So I did! From one twine vase to a room full of inventory to sell at crafts events!"
When asked what her favorite part of her work is, Talia said that it is the unpredictable ideas that come to her mind. "I never know the outcome until the product is finished." She starts simply with just jute twine, basic Elmer's school glue and lots of ribbon and comes up with the most beautiful creations. Talia says her favorite colors are green and yellow. "They are both natural and friendly colors."
Talia said she gets inspiration all around her. "...from fun conversations with friends, a funny commercial, or my inner happiness for that day. I'm inspired on days when I'm super busy and need to release the stress of the day. On those days I can design 5 vases!"
Talia's art became a business after asking herself the simple question, "What do people really do with the
vases once the flowers died? I knew I had something good! Go into any
Goodwill and you will see shelves of glass vases. People discard them because
they serve no purpose. So I received my business license
and set out to change ordinary into extraordinary!"
You can find Talia at Nashville craft fairs and events, and she also sells regularly every Saturday at Nashville Farmers Market. She works full time but dreams of a storefront or a partnership with a floral shop. She hopes to learn more about creating wooden twine designs to further expand her beautiful line.
Talia says her favorite quote is, "I'm in a class all by myself! God made only of me and im awesome!
Visit Talia on her Facebook page!