Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Handmade Nashville Member Biographies: Lokker of Love

Today we’re chatting with one of Handmade Nashville’s lovely newer members Joyann Lokker of Lokker of Love.  Joyann stands out from the usual crafter in that she’s not just crafting for the love of making beautiful things, she’s also crafting for a cause. ..Let’s meet her!


Background and Crafty Beginnings

Joyann is 24 years old and has been married for (almost) four years.  She has a beautiful daughter who is about to turn two!  She and her husband are anxious to expand to a family of four and are currently in the process to adopt domestically.   100% of every purchase of Joyann’s crafted items goes to help fund the family’s adoption journey.

 Originally from California, Joyann has moved around a lot since being married, but she is now happily settled in Nashville.  She feels blessed with the wonderful job of staying at home with her beautiful daughter, but loves her side projects of sewing and crocheting.

Her favorite projects are inspired by quality time with family. The idea of sewing baby doll slings came as she watched her daughter play mom to her stuffed animals. Watching her daughter and husband play tag and run the hallways of their house brought superhero capes to mind.   Her latest project of matching mom and daughter aprons makes her reminiscence on all the times that her daughter “helps” cook (and make a mess) in the kitchen.  Her crafts may not be completely unique in the marketplace, but each one is made with love to raise funds for their adoption and her hope is that they bring as much laughter into someone else's home as they do into her own.


Her Return to Crafting

Sewing was a special time with mom and grandma when Joyann was young. Although it had been a while since she had sat at a sewing machine, the memories of it made her excited to dig into it again. Since she now lives across the country from her family, Pinterest helped her re-learn the basic skills.

Joyann wants every item to be treasured by the buyers and, as previously mentioned; one of the motivations behind her art/crafts is to make items that promote "quality time" with family. Her favorite part is reminiscing on past memories and day dreaming of “how to use each project with my own family to create new memories” and she hopes other families can enjoy similar times and make memories with their own children too.


Inspiration and Favorites

All of her current items are sewn, although come winter, she will begin crocheting again. While each item is unique to just boys or just girls, she tries to make an equal amount of boys and girls items. Her own daughter loves pink, so she tends to be drawn to this color, although she makes sure to even it out with other colors.  Joyann makes all of her sewing and crafting projects, but her husband is a huge helper and encourages every new idea.


 Quality time with family and memories with her daughter inspire each item. Seeing her creative toddler’s imagination at work leads to ideas for future projects. Nothing brings Joyann more joy than seeing her daughter and other small children having fun playing with her sewing creations…and the most wonderful part is that it’s all fundraising for the next child to join their family.


From Hobby to Fundraiser… Craft Shows and Beyond!

All of her projects so far have been created as a way to raise money for the adoption; however she is currently trying to expand her crafting line into more than just a short-term fundraiser. She has recently increased the amount of items for sale, and she is working to reach out to more avenues for selling (Facebook, craft fairs, etc).

Joyann began selling at a couple of craft fairs last fall. At the time she was only selling head wraps though and she’s eager to bring some of her new products to market at craft fairs.

For now, her goal is to bring their adopted child home and not have a penny of debt.  She hopes to continue to make new items after the adoption is final as a way to continue to bring in income to the family and she’d love to expand her sewing skills to work towards that goal.

 Joyann’s favorite quote:  "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23)


You can find Joyann online here: (Note: the purpose of this blog is an update for her adoption journey, but the "Current Fundraisers" tab is up to date on all of Joyann’s  homemade projects)

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